Jun 18Liked by Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke

So far, I have three hostas that are actually doing fairly well. I read on social media that Irish spring soap will keep the bunnies and deer away. I take my cheese grater and grate the bar around my plants and so far it’s working!

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I have read about Irish Spring soap a lot! I'm glad it is working for you. I hope it is less expensive that buying the deer & rabbit spray. I've used that before and it works too. But I have to keep putting it out when the rabbits try to eat like my garden is their smorgasboard! Every time it rains it has to be reapplied.

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Jun 14Liked by Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke

I love hostas ... and have a few that come up on one side of my house every year. They never get very big, maybe too shady? Perhaps I should dig them up and put them in planters like yours!

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I never find that the size of hostas has to do with how much sun. It has to do with the variety of hosta. I appreciate your comment, but please comment if you’re really interested in reading. Not because I mentioned you had stopped.

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