Apr 23Liked by Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke

I love the clematis!

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Apr 19Liked by Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke

I have always loved dianthus; however so do the bunnies in my area! So after trying a few times, I gave up. I planted 4 plants of a flower that has really pretty blue blooms in the spring and only one has survived over the past 3 years due to bunny consumption. The one this year that is blooming is surrounded by weeds so I'm not pulling those weeds because apparently the weeds keep the rabbits away! lol.

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That is SO odd! I have problems with the bunnies eating my purple poppy mallow and desimatting it, but not the dianthus. I googled it and you are right that they eat Dianthus. I guess they find enough other they like better in my garden rabbit smorgasboard that they never make it to the dianthus! Interesting!

Too funny about the weeds! Too bad you have to have those to enjoy your flower. I bet they do not like the weed's taste or it is poisoneous. I wonder what else you could plant nearby that they do not eat, like Daffodils.

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Apr 19Liked by Cheryl Rutledge-Brennecke

Grin they are candy flowers lol

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